
The Best Relationships Aren’t Found, They’re Built

“True love isn’t found. It’s built.” The first time I read this, I strongly agreed with its message. Love isn’t a thing that just appears once you start looking for it. Real love doesn’t come out of the blue, whether you search for it in different places or in different people.

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Advice For Single Men Looking For Love In Other Countries

Did you know that 23% of Americans married someone they met while traveling? If that is the case, then you can find the woman of your dreams if you travel to another country.

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What to Do When You’re Single on National Lover’s Day

It’s not easy being single. It gets especially hard if there are holidays like Valentine’s Day or National Lover’s Day. When a day or an entire month is dedicated to couples, a single and lonely guy can’t help but feel helpless.

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How to Get a Date Before Couple’s Appreciation Month

What is National Couple Appreciation Month? Simply put, it’s a holiday similar to Valentine’s Day, except it’s exclusive to couples.

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Valentine’s Gifts That Women around the World Want

Love is in the air and with it is the abundance of chocolates and flowers!

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Fun Activities to Do When Celebrating a Foreign New Year

The year is coming to an end, making way for another one. Time flies, even when the world is doing its best to slow it down.

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Reasons Why You Should Celebrate the Holidays Abroad!

Have you ever experienced Russia during its winter Christmas? Or the Philippines during the “Ber” months?

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International Marriage and Family Planning Strategies

The number of international marriages has skyrocketed solely because of the internet. It’s no wonder really, with so many online dating sites, apps, and matchmaking services available.

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Dating Overseas: Improve Your Odds with Foreign Women

A number of singles who have used international dating services to locate companions say they do so because there aren’t enough possibilities in their neighborhood or country.

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Types Of Women You're Going To Meet Online

Men are increasingly turning to online dating in today’s world. It’s no surprise that these men flock to dating sites in droves because it’s the easiest way to meet women.

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How To Stay In A Healthy Relationship With A Foreign Wife

As humans, we start a relationship with the goal of finding happiness with the person we choose. Often, we do so in order to fill a void in our lives. But what good is it if the relationship you get into isn’t even healthy? Isn’t it true that happiness equals healthy relationships? With that in mind, shouldn’t the relationships we seek not elicit the opposite reaction?

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How To Get Over A Breakup

Whatever you’re doing to get over a bad breakup, keep in mind that your mental health comes first.

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Why Arguing Signifies a Healthy Relationship

Everyone knows that communication is a vital role when it comes to achieving a healthy relationship. But most people don’t know that communicating well also involves being able to argue fairly or productively.

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Lessons to Learn About Dating Mexican Women

Chilaquiles, Tostada, Chiles en nogada, Elote, Guacamole, Ahhhh!!! Delicioso!, These are just some of the dishes you shouldn’t be missing when you visit Mexico. At every corner, there are a lot of great things for you to discover, especially if you are a daring and outgoing type of person.

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Most Romantic Places in Kiev Ukraine

Ukraine, a country in Eastern Europe, is the second largest on the continent after Russia.

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Keeping The Romance Alive With Mail Order Brides

It can’t be helped if emotions are sometimes fleeting. You love someone today and then feel nothing the next.

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Qualifying Foreign Women Before Dating

For men who seek relationships with foreign women, dating one after another might become tiresome. For some, the revolving rollercoaster of relationships can be very upsetting. For the most part, this is because of one constant aftermath: a failed relationship.

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Books That Help Men Succeed in Relationships

Relationships are supposed to be fun and easy, yet many people fail to succeed in relationships. It’s true that relationships don’t come with an instruction manual.

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How To Beat Thai Women's Expectations on Valentine's Day

As Valentine’s Day approaches, many hopelessly romantic men around the world are scrambling to make this an absolutely memorable event for their special someone. The bigger the gesture, the better. For Thai women, this might not always be the case.

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Dating Foreign Women : Signs She's NOT INTO YOU

Have you ever gotten the feeling that the woman you're dating isn't totally into you? Are you holding on to the glimmer of hope that she genuinely likes you but just isn't all that forward about it? When it comes to foreign women, it can be doubly difficult to read the signs simply because there's so much that gets lost in translation.

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Overcoming Rejection While Dating Overseas

At some point in every man’s life, he is bound to find himself rolling in the gutter, his spirit defeated and beaten like it had been gang-mugged at some dark back alley slum. How rejection affects a man varies, but the feeling is almost always bitter.

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How Dating Foreign Women Has Become EASIER Than Ever

There has never been a better time to find love abroad than now. If your idea of a true romantic excursion is traveling overseas and dating foreign women, consider yourself fortunate. What would have been considered greatly difficult just 20 years ago is nigh on trivial this current generation.

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5 Things YOU MUST Do AFTER You Marry a Foreign Woman

An argument could be made that most people aren’t totally ready to be married at the time of their wedding. This isn’t to say that the decision to marry is wrong.

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Preparing Your Finances BEFORE Marriage

Love conquers all, except for money related divorces. The second leading cause of divorce in America is money issues, based on a 2019 Ramsey Solutions study. More often than not, blissful young couples tie the knot too soon, making perpetual vows without considering perpetual circumstances.

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Gifts Foreign Women Appreciate in Long Distance Relationships

Dating foreign women over long distances can be hard, but a few gifts here and there can make it easier.

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Why Foreign Women Prefer Traditional Gender Roles

Foreign women who marry Western men still follow the traditional gender roles. Traditional gender roles are the stereotypical roles in society that dictates how we’re supposed to act, speak, dress, and behave. Men are thought to be tough and so are designated as providers of the family. Women on the other hand are reserved for homemaking and child-rearing responsibilities. This societal setup has been around for centuries and is thought of as the default setup since women are thought to be an inferior sex.

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International Dating Travel Essentials MEN MUST HAVE

International dating possibly means you'll get to travel a lot, and the commute can be pretty hard. But having a few essential items in hand can make it easier.

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Escalating Conversations with Foreign Women - International Dating

KGet to know foreign women more as you build a stronger relationship through escalating conversations in a deeper sense.

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Warning Signs of Foreign Women with Commitment Issues

Knowing what you want in a relationship — whether it’s a casual fling or something more long term — should always come first. Only then will you be able to determine if the woman you’re dating shares the same goal as you. As a result, there will be less room for you to worry about commitment issues.

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Are You Being Ghosted? | Dating Foreign Women

Being ghosted online can have the same effects as being rejected in real life. No matter how much you deny it, the pain is real. Somehow, it puts a blow on your ego because you allowed yourself to open up yet she ends things without a single text, call, or email on her side.If you’ve already been ghosted by some women you met at certain free foreign dating sites, here are things you should know about it, as well as how to deal with it:

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Signs a Foreign Woman Wants to Marry You

When it comes to the talk about the future, she’s always including you in the picture. She shares about how she pictures both of you in a few years from now, like which city you could live in, what kind of house, where you’d take vacations, what your lifestyle would be, and even what color you should paint the bedroom. Whatever her plans are, she will always include you in them.

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International Dating Travel Essentials: Meet Foreign Women

There is a considerable number of men all throughout the world who have had a tough time trying to find love. Many of them turn to dating sites in order to meet women. Sometimes they succeed and sometimes they don’t, and sometimes they end up trying their hand at international dating because of those sites.

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Attracting Foreign Women: International Dating Do's and Don'ts

Many men turn to dating foreign women. But they may not always be experienced when it comes to someone from a different country.

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International Dating Vs Mail Order Brides

There are a lot of reasons to go about dating internationally, a lot of factors that drive people past their own home countries in order to find the love that they feel that they should have. There are so many things that can push a person to other countries in order to find a relationship with a human being who will love them back.

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Relationship Warning Signs Found in Foreign Women

There are a lot of guys who want to be with foreign women. This isn’t a surprise considering plenty of them are quite beautiful. The problem generally lies in that it is difficult to build a good relationship with someone when they are halfway across the world. It is even harder when there are those out there who are not looking to build good relationships and are only pursuing romance for their own ends that have nothing to do with being happy or in love.

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Hidden History of Mail Order Brides : Do They STILL Exist?

During the early 1600s, the reason Mail Order Brides were important was that there was a dire need for women to sustain society. This was what happened when the British sailed to the New World in North America.

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Obstacles and Opportunities in Finding a New Love Abroad

Indeed, it’s quite the tale for the grandkids, how you and your wife found love despite the distance. Like in all good stories however, there will be trials along the way. To help you decide whether foreign love is for you or not, here are some of the obstacles and opportunities you can have in the long run:

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Finding a New Love Beyond Borders

Dating women from other parts of the world is certainly not a new phenomenon. Despite the existence of international relationships, natural constraints on travel and communication always limited them. Interracial dating and marriages also weren’t socially acceptable in many insular cultures. With the nearly limitless possibilities that international dating sites bring, however, relationship hindrances like distance and tradition are slowly fading into the dustbin of history.

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Ideal Wedding Themes for an International Marriage

Wedding is a special day that must be cherished forever. Since it is a once in a lifetime affair for most people, they often wish for a lavish and extravagant wedding ceremony. If you have found your new love among mail order brides, you might find it a lot harder planning out your dream wedding because of you differences in culture and traditions. In order to satisfy both of your preferences it’ll be much better if you can agree on a certain wedding theme.

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International Marriage: Top Wedding Venues in the Philippines

Every girl dreams of a perfect wedding. One that relates to her love story and reflects her own personality. So don’t be surprised by how creative and imaginative mail order brides can be when it comes to wedding preparations. For most women, especially those from abroad, a wedding is a once in a lifetime event. This explains why they pay so much attention to every detail of their wedding.

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How to Keep an International Marriage Afloat

Marriage is not all rainbows and butterflies. Undeniably and inevitably, problems of different sorts do occur in the course of marital life. This is especially true for an international marriage. If you can’t help fights and arguments from happening with a partner whom you share the same culture with, imagine being with someone who has a different set of beliefs and values from you?

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International Marriage | Top Wedding Venues in Ukraine

Finding a new love abroad is not going to be easy, but in the end, it will be worth it. When you finally find the one you are willing to spend a lifetime with, you’ll surely want nothing but to please her. If you decide to commit to an international marriage with a Ukrainian woman, choosing the best wedding venue isn’t going to be a hard task. Ukraine has a great variety of beautiful locations for your dream wedding. Here is a short list of the best among them.

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Dating at 50 | Is International Dating Really a Viable Option?

Wondering if dating at 50 is still a viable option for you? Learn here why international dating is perfect for divorcees and bachelors over 50.

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Mail Order Brides | The Good, The Bad, and Everything In Between

Looking for a convenient and safe way of finding love abroad? Maybe mail order brides are suitable for you. Learn everything you need to know about them here.

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Dating After Divorce | How To Get Back In The Dating Game

While the emotional, physical and financial strain that divorce leaves can haunt you for God knows how long, how you respond to it is ultimately all up to you. You could either lick your wounds and slowly get back in the game to give yourself another shot at a new love or you could give up on it completely..

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Finding New Love | The Process of Falling In Love Again

Bouncing back from this tragedy can be hard. But like every action that requires strong will, it is very rewarding when you succeed in the end. Bringing that spectrum of colors into your life again is a beautiful thing, and its a shame not everyone can, or even wants to do so after such a massive fall. If you are one of those people, don’t give up. Things will look up for you, and eventually, new love will be visible on the horizon. Here are a couple of things you should remember when finding love again.

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Singles Vacation | A Way of Finding New Love on Distant Shores

Love has always been a complex thing. Most people believe they found it during their childhood days, some in their teenage years, and others in their mid to late 20s or 30s. While there are those who were lucky enough to have experienced true love only once in their life, meaning they’re still together with that person, there are also some who wish to find it again. That’s why when it comes to finding new love, there are a lot of exciting things in store for you, especially if it’s on an international level.

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Find Love Abroad | Top Reasons to Date Internationally

The old adage “The world is your oyster” definitely rings true in today’s digital age. Through the internet, there are more opportunities to meet people you normally wouldn’t, even if they are from outside the country. If you expand your horizons, you just might find love abroad.The stress of traveling or communicating with someone with a different language might be intimidating. But if you find the right person, you can overcome those issues together. Also, what’s the harm in experiencing something new? After all, it’s the changes that make you grow as a person.

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Matchmaking 101 | The Common Misconceptions of Matchmaking

Are you tired of the normal methods of dating online? Wish there was a more convenient way to find love? Then how about giving matchmaking a try? This old practice is making a comeback mainly because more and more people find the usual online channels exhausting and unreliable. There’s also the fact that a little help could go a long way in making your quest of finding the one more convenient and faster..

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Ultimate Relationship Goals | Signs That You're Ready for Marriage

Not all of us are cut out for long-term relationships, especially when you consider how the conventional method of dating can feel tiring. But if you’re one of those who are tired of the single life, perhaps it’s time for you to enter into a serious relationship. Having someone by your side, perhaps your life would be a lot more meaningful than it already is.

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Online Dating Tips | How to Avoid the Dreaded Online Dating Burnout

One of the perks of online dating is that you get to meet ladies you normally wouldn’t. But the wider dating pool also has some challenges. With so many women to meet, it can be exhausting interacting with every single one. It would also be demotivating if most interactions don’t pan out. Because of this, not many people successfully find love online and also feel burnt out.

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Finding Love Made Easy | What to Expect From Matchmaking Services

Luckily for you, we at have helped countless single men and women from all corners of the globe find a suitable partner through our matchmaking services. The biggest takeaway is that the women you are paired up with are screened and vetted to ensure that only those who are sincerely and genuinely looking for a lifelong partner make it to our site.

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Dating Advice | Extrovert and Introvert Dating: Can It Work?

These pieces of dating tips can also be useful if you plan on dating foreign ladies. That’s because there are some cultures that aren’t as socially outgoing compared to Western culture, especially in terms of showing affection. When finding a foreign girlfriend, you might have to tone down your PDA to avoid offending her. In short, you have to adjust in order to win the heart of your foreign date.

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Online Dating Lingo | Terms to Lookout For in the Online Dating Scene

People who are new to the online dating scene might find it overwhelming just because of how different it is to conventional methods of dating. Just the slang alone can put your head in a spin. There are just too many colloquial terms that you probably wouldn’t want to bother learning any of them. However, it does give you better insight on how everyone else dates and how to effectively connect with someone online. Besides, you might have to learn them anyway because some potential matches might use these words in your conversation.

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Dating Advice | 5 Ways to Ace Your Socials Night Experience

One of the most anticipated events of our world-famous singles tours is the socials. It’s essentially a night where you’ll get to meet and mingle with single lovely women, among many other activities lined up for the whole evening. Throughout the night, you get the chance to talk to them by stopping by each of their tables. In a way, it’s a lot like speed dating, only you have more ladies to talk to. For most of the men and women who join our tours, the socials night is their highlight.

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Interracial Relationship | Usual Language Barrier Issues

When you are dating an Asian woman or European woman, one of the biggest challenges you’ll have to face is the language barrier. Misunderstanding is inevitable even if she speaks English fairly well. This is just completely normal for an interracial relationship.

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Online Dating | Why It is Your Ticket to an International Love Affair

Want to know how you can get started with your international love quest? Online dating could be the answer. Read our blog here to learn more!

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Dating Advice | 4 Things That Are OK To Disagree On

Move away from the thinking that a relationship is only happy and flourishing when you two are always agreeing on things. As much as compatibility and harmony are important in relationships, there must also be room for each of you to think, move and feel independently, grow and be comfortable with decisions that involve one’s self. And who wants a relationship that's monotonous and predictable anyway?

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Date Ideas | 7 Cute Halloween Date Ideas You Must Try

Halloween is fast approaching — have you thought about anything special you can do this year? Attending a party is the usual routine for many and maybe for you too. It is a fun activity but as the years go by, it can become a drag. And you would rather stay at home and sleep the night off. Not so fast! With the right date ideas, you can add a little bit of extra flair to your Halloween celebration.

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Love On The Line | 6 Reasons Why You Should Try Online Dating

Look no further away from your phone and computers, the answer is online dating. In this list, we will present 6 reasons why you should dispel the negative ideas surrounding this modern way of finding love, and believe that your perfect match might just be waiting to meet you there.

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Holidate | 12 Romantic Date Ideas for the Holiday Season

Christmas is undoubtedly a romantic season. Everything about it just screams romance and intimacy. The cool Christmas breeze, snow turning the whole place into a winter wonderland, carols in the air amping up the yuletide thrill, and couples up and about frolicking.

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A Perfect Match Made In Heaven | Zodiac Signs And Their Dating Habits

Whether or not you believe in astrology, it is undeniable that reading about things that reflect ourselves is always fun. Astrology even offers more than just your daily horoscope, lucky colors, and numbers, but also love and relationship advice. And what’s wrong with taking advantage of a cool thing like that?

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Dating Advice | How To Protect Your Relationship After A Fight

Even if you consider you and your partner to be a perfect match, there is always a chance for conflicts and misunderstandings to creep up. It is a normal — and actually healthy — occurrence in relationships, since you are different people, with different ideas, and you are allowed to be on the opposing side of things.

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7 Telling Signs That You And Your Partner Are A Perfect Match

You love each other’s best and worst self. You can be authentic and just let loose when you are together, and there is still respect, understanding, and love between you. There is no need to keep a happy, perfect front every time because you accept each other’s low times as much as you celebrate the highs. And when the bad times do come, you know what can turn things around.

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5 Easy Steps to Avoid ALL Online Dating Scams

Looking for love has never been more convenient than it is today thanks to online dating. While the traditional way of creating connections and building relationships is still far from being forgotten, the evolution of online dating has presented a better and easier alternative.

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5 SignsYour First Date Was a Complete Failure

How many times have you found yourself at the end of a first date wondering if it went well or not? We bet, more times than you would’ve wanted to, right?

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