What to Do When You’re Single on National Lover’s Day

It’s not easy being single.

It gets especially hard if there are holidays like Valentine’s Day or National Lover’s Day. When a day or an entire month is dedicated to couples, a single and lonely guy can’t help but feel helpless.

man sitting on a wall
It’s hard to go through another pseudo-holiday meant for love when you’re single.

So what are you supposed to do? You’re single, and it’s not like you didn’t try your hand at dating girls. What is a man supposed to do in this situation?

First of all, don’t ever buy into the idea that you need another person to be happy. While a partner can compliment you as a person and somewhat improve your life, it doesn’t mean that you are nothing without one. Your partner completes you but not because you were never whole.

Find a partner while having a better mindset. While your goal is to not remain single for National Lover’s Day, keep in mind that you also genuinely want happiness. Not just a temporary fling.

Ask a friend

Instead of looking for things to do when you’re single and lonely, ask your group of friends. They’re your best bet at branching out if you’ve exhausted all your options. See if they know anyone looking for a partner and ask them for their opinions. You never know, they might actually have someone in mind for you.

You could also let a close friend scroll through your contacts or social media to find a hidden gem for you. Having a friend who knows more about you than you do can give them the confidence to know who is right for you. You need to trust them to make the judgment.

Go bar-hopping and visit clubs

Find a popular gathering spot in your city’s downtown area. You’ll meet a lot of women there. Most of them are looking for quick hookups, but there are also those who are seeking long-term relationships. But there aren’t many of them, so manage your expectations.

These kinds of areas are almost always full of flirtatious people who are also looking for people to date. There is a guarantee that you’ll be able to find a date instantly if you know how to play your cards right.

However, if you still come out of it empty-handed, it’s not much of a let-down since you get to enjoy the scene itself. Drinking, dancing, and mingling with friends. That could be someone’s ideal night despite not having a romantic partner to enjoy National Lover’s Day with.

Go online

man with laptop in cafe
Try dating girls online since it’s known to be faster and easier.

Online dating is the fastest way to find a date. It offers a variety of options, such as apps, dating sites, or meeting someone on social media platforms. But as easy as I make that sound, many people are surprisingly finding it hard.

Nowadays, many men have difficulty finding a date using dating apps because of how high the standards are. The majority of women choose their matches on these dating platforms based on how attractive the guy appears in his profile photo. They compete over handsome faces while the men compete over simple and decent women who won’t ghost them right away.

And if you so much as manage to find a match yourself, you make one stupid comment, and they will ghost you anyway.

There are men who get lucky while others are still trying to find a date despite being on an app for many years. However, it isn’t the same for matchmaking sites. Being single on dating sites gets you a date quicker than you can ever be on apps. In addition to promising results, they are also more secure.

Their background checks ensure that their members are who they say they are. Aside from that, you can be sure every member is looking for something serious.

Still, it doesn’t mean dating apps always end badly. After all, many long-term couples these days have met through apps. A lot of them even got married. Just because people have gotten shallow with the rise of the internet doesn’t mean you can’t find a happy ending with it. Just pick the right app or site, and you’ll end up the same, too.

Frequent cafes or milk tea shops

Most single women hang out in coffee shops or milk tea shops. They go there not just for the drinks but also to socialize and meet new friends.

If you can, make it a habit to visit your local cafe. Scope out the scene and be a regular. Milk tea shops have more women than coffee shops so try to visit those more.

Join a Singles Tour

Lover’s Day is typically on the 23rd of April, so joining a Singles Tour might be too late if your aim is to have a girlfriend on that day.

These tours are scheduled about a month (more or less) in advance, so you won’t be able to book in time. Still, I might as well put it out there as one of your options. Your dating quest doesn’t have to stop at Lover’s Day, after all.

Now, what are Singles Tours?

Singles tours are ideal for men who can’t find a partner in their local dating scene. Rather than suffer through countless rejections at home, they take their chances abroad where they can find single foreign women to date. These tours put you and hundreds of single women in one place so you can mingle, have fun, and find the love of your life.

Singles Tours has helped single men for more than 20 years. If you think you can’t find a date using apps or the other options stated above, then join a Singles Tour. What have you got to lose?

Don’t feel bad for being single.

It’s okay if you’re single. Despite what your peers will think and say, being in a relationship isn’t everything. Finding a date doesn’t need to be your main priority in life. It should be an afterthought.

Focus on yourself before you go out to meet new people. National Lover’s Day doesn’t determine whether you ought to be happy for the day or not.

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